Weight Loss

Can You Lose Weight “Fastest” and Get Rid of Belly Fat with a 20-Minute Morning Workout? Find Out

Is morning the ‘fastest time to lose weight’? A fitness trainer says you can easily ‘lose belly fat, shape abs’ with her home workout. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s the best exercise to burn belly fat? A fitness trainer has shared her morning fitness routine, claiming it’s the most effective. (Image credit: Pexels)

If you’re planning to get in a quick morning workout before the madness of your daily to-do list takes over all your time, Weight Wellness Initiate, an Instagram page dedicated to sharing weight loss tips, has posted a video that might interest you. The clip features a fitness trainer answering the question – “What’s the fastest time to lose weight?” Also Read: Man Who Lost Nearly 60kg Shares the Unexpected Side Effect of His Drastic Weight Loss

This workout ‘keeps you in fat-burning state all day’

She says: “First thing in the morning on an empty stomach. There is a method where you only need to spend 20 minutes every morning, and it keeps you in a fat burning state all day long. This way you can easily build straight shoulders, lose belly fat effortlessly and sculpt your abs clearly. Just follow these movements and do four sets every day.”

Then she explained the exercises and said:

1. First movement: clap under the leg. Repeat 60 times to increase the heart rate and burn fat quickly.

2. Second movement: raise the knee from the same side. 60 times to tighten the abdominal muscles.

3. Third movement: press the knee. Build the abdominal muscles… 30 times to tighten the abdominal muscles quickly.

4. Fourth movement: jump. 60 times to burn full body fat, and melt belly fat easily.

But does all this actually work?

We asked Dr Rakesh Gupta, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, about the claim that “20 minutes every morning” of such exercise can lead to “faster” weight loss and fat loss. He said there is no “faster” or “more effective” time to exercise.

According to him, weight loss is primarily influenced by an overall caloric deficit (consuming fewer calories than you burn), consistency in both diet and exercise, and individual factors such as metabolism, age, current fitness level, and overall health.

Read Also: Walking Gives You Toned Abs! 7 Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Are Morning Exercises the Most Effective?

So, what about morning exercises, do they work best for losing belly fat and weight? “While morning exercises can be helpful for creating a routine and may help some people stay consistent, research does not support that morning exercises are inherently more effective for weight loss than exercising at other times of the day,” says Dr. Rakesh Gupta.

He shared that the most effective exercise is one that:

1. You can stick to it consistently

2. Combine cardio and strength training

3. Fit into your schedule and lifestyle

4. Perform at an intensity appropriate to your fitness level

If you’re looking to start your weight loss journey, from cat-cow pose to squats, here’s a list of five exercises that can make you feel healthier every morning. If you’re interested in learning more, former footballer David Beckham also starts his morning with an intense workout; here’s everything you need to know.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.

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